Nova for Real Estate

Image showcasing a map of a forest with forestry-related icons and labels.
Stylized graphic of a mountainous region on a map.
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Become your own GIS specialist with Nova

In the realm of real estate, where location is everything, the advent of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping technology has been nothing short of revolutionary. And when coupled with the agility and precision of drone technology, the possibilities become even more compelling.

GIS mapping technology integrates geographic data, spatial analysis, and visualization tools to provide a comprehensive understanding of geographical patterns and relationships. In real estate, GIS mapping serves as a dynamic tool for mapping property boundaries, assessing terrain characteristics, analyzing market trends, and much more.

Traditionally, real estate professionals relied on static maps and surveys, which often lacked real-time data and detailed insights. However, with GIS mapping, they gain access to a wealth of spatial information that enhances decision-making processes and fosters deeper insights into the properties they manage or intend to develop.

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Featured Plugins

Visual Imagery and Orthomosaics

Real Estate professionals want a simple, efficient way to build orthomosaics of their properties. There is no need to spend thousands of dollars on confusing, complex and costly photogrammetry software, when all they need is an ortho stitcher that gives them what they need, when they need it.

MapMosaic was built to be the easiest orthomosaic generating tool on the market. In two clicks, beautiful orthomosaics are automatically stitched, georeferenced and projected onto the Nova platform, available to anyone that you want to give access to. Get more out of your MLS listings, provide more insight for your client during a property assessment, and record the state of a property at the time of the offer, giving you and your client more security when closing comes around. MapMosaic gives you an edge, a true bird's-eye perspective, increasing the value you provide in the market. Be a leader, map with MapMosaic.

Video Footage

YouTube, website links, shared Google Drives… where does your drone data reside so your clients have access to it? It’s a nuisance to have this data separate from your other property information. With VideoSync, not only can you have video, orthos and property photos all in the same location, but increase your situational awareness by overlaying drone data directly onto base maps for larger properties.

VideoSync provides tracking of your drone’s location and orientation, ensuring you know where your drone is and what it is looking at when reviewing data. Coming soon, VideoSync will include: field of view projection, allowing you to know the extent of your camera’s footprint on the map below, and live streaming, supporting virtual property assessments for your clients that may not be able to make it out to site!

The Value of Using Drones in Real Estate 

Efficient Property Assessments

Traditional property assessments can be time-consuming and costly. With drones, real estate professionals can conduct aerial surveys swiftly and accurately, capturing detailed imagery of properties and their surroundings. This not only streamlines the assessment process but also reduces operational costs.

Enhanced Property Marketing

In the competitive real estate market, captivating visuals can make all the difference. Drone-captured images and videos provide prospective buyers with immersive experiences, showcasing properties from unique perspectives and highlighting their features in stunning detail. This visual storytelling not only attracts potential buyers but also adds a premium allure to the properties being marketed.

Property Inspection and Maintenance

Regular property inspections are essential for ensuring compliance, identifying maintenance needs, and detecting potential hazards. Drones equipped with thermal imaging cameras and sensors can conduct aerial inspections of roofs, facades, and infrastructure, detecting structural anomalies and anomalies that may not be visible to the naked eye. This proactive approach to property maintenance enhances safety, prolongs asset lifespan, and minimizes operational disruptions.

Environmental Impact Assessment

Sustainable development practices are increasingly becoming a priority in the real estate industry. Drone-based GIS mapping facilitates environmental impact assessments by monitoring land use changes, vegetation health, and ecological patterns. This enables real estate developers to make informed decisions that minimize environmental degradation and promote ecological stewardship.

Applications: From Acquisition to Management

When scouting for potential development sites, real estate developers leverage GIS mapping to identify properties that align with their investment criteria. Drone surveys provide valuable insights into property boundaries, accessibility, surrounding infrastructure, and environmental factors, aiding in informed decision-making during the acquisition process. Combining Nova’s MapMosaic and VideoSync plug-in, you can streamline image processing, while having all your property information in a central location.