Nova for Emergency Management

Image showcasing a map of downtown Vancouver with emergency management icons and labels.
Stylized graphic of a mountainous region on a map.
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Become your own GIS specialist with Nova

In the fast-paced world of emergency management, having the right tools at your disposal can mean the difference between chaos and coordinated response. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have revolutionized the way we plan, manage, and respond to emergencies. With Nova, harnessing the power of GIS in emergency management has never been more accessible or effective.

This spatial awareness allows for the optimization of resource allocation, ensuring that help is directed where it is most needed. Additionally, GIS facilitates the creation of detailed evacuation routes and disaster management plans, enabling a more coordinated and swift response. The technology also plays a crucial role in post-disaster recovery and analysis, aiding in assessing damage and planning rebuilding efforts. Overall, GIS empowers emergency response teams with the tools and insights needed to make informed decisions.

Get started

The Value of Using Drones in Emergency Management


Quickly deploy drones and generate maps to respond to emergencies in real-time. Nova's efficient data processing allows for rapid turnaround, ensuring that emergency responders have the most up-to-date information at their fingertips when every second counts


Leverage precise mapping capabilities to make informed decisions based on reliable data. Nova ensures high-resolution and accurate maps, providing a detailed understanding of the situation on the ground.


Share data seamlessly between agencies and stakeholders for coordinated response efforts. Nova's cloud-based platform enables real-time sharing and collaboration, ensuring that all parties have access to the same information, fostering effective communication and teamwork.


Adapt to any emergency scenario with customizable mapping tools and analytics. Nova is designed to be versatile, allowing users to tailor their mapping and analysis to the specific needs of each emergency situation, ensuring that the response is always relevant and effective.

Applications in Emergency Management

Utilize advanced drone mapping technology to swiftly map areas susceptible to flooding, providing critical data for predicting water levels and guiding evacuation and response efforts. By analyzing topography and historical flood data, Nova can help emergency management teams determine the most efficient escape routes, predict which areas are likely to be affected, and assess the extent of damage post-event. This proactive approach enables authorities to allocate resources more effectively, minimize the impact of flooding, and ensure the safety of residents in vulnerable areas. Additionally, Nova's collaborative features allow for the seamless sharing of real-time data among various stakeholders, enhancing coordination and decision-making during flood emergencies.